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Greetings, researcher. As head of biological security here at Project Genesis it is my job to keep an eye on anything unusual happening at our research locations.

We have built entire man-made ecosystems, complete with artificially created animals. While our geneticists have done a very good job for the most part, there is always a risk. This file contains information that explains what is considered normal behaviour for our animals. It is vital that you report any abnormal behaviour immediately, as it can be a sign of [REDACTED].

This guide explains Game Rule #2 (behave realistically) in more detail, and provides further information to the profiles found here.


The main principle of realistic behaviour is to think not as a person playing a game but as your dinosaur. Sure, you the player know that a call is just a sound and animation, but your dinosaur hears a loud noise coming from what is probably a big and strong animal.


Avoid things like spam crouching, calling or jumping. Try not to clip into your environment or other dinosaurs.



E.g. Amargasaurus, Eotriceratops, Barsboldia, Daspletosaurus, Allosaurus, Stegosaurus.

While there are no large carnivores left on the planet today, large herbivores can be likened to giraffes or elephants. 

These dinosaurs have an extremely high energy requirement. They require huge amounts of food and for the most part move rather slowly, only running when necessary. When not eating, patrolling territory, or courting, large animals spend most of their time sleeping.

Safe from most predators due to their size, these dinosaurs are typically rather docile, though can react aggressively when provoked. For the most part they care little about smaller animals.


E.g. Iguanodon, Albertaceratops, Metriacanthosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Alioramus.

These dinosaurs are similar to most of the 'large' animals alive today, such as lions or buffalo, and are some of the most common and diverse in the dinosaur world.


Medium animals are considerably more active than their large counterparts, spending a lot of time moving around in search of food, water, and potential mates. While still moving mainly by walking or trotting they are much more willing to run when necessary.


E.g. Struthiomimus, Latenivenatrix, Deinonychus, Camptosaurus.

Small dinosaurs fill the lower levels of the food chain, and can be likened to modern day wildcats, coyotes, or deer. 


These animals are often rather high-energy with noticeable bird-like mannerisms - moving in short bursts of speed rather than long, sustained trots or walks.

Vulnerable due to their size, small dinosaurs typically avoid other, larger animals and are noted to be rather skittish and easily startled, especially by sudden noises or movement.


These are general pointers to how animals showcase different hunting behaviours. Keep in mind that profiles may introduce variations of these hunting styles, and they may also exhibit other traits (such as opportunistic behaviour, which means always picking the easiest target).

Hunting requires good awareness of the overall context your animal is in. For example, a hunt may fail if the hunter receives substancial amounts of damage, their stamina stays depleted for too long, is interrupted, or otherwise loses the opportunity to take down their target.


Ambush hunters rely on their stealth and strength to take down prey. If their ambush fails, or if the prey manages to get away without much of an injury, these predators will often back down.

In-game, ambushing shouldn't take much stamina, and once on top of the target you should deliver as much damage as possible.

Large carnivores often specialise in this style. Mind the strength which they possess!


Endurance hunters have the ability to stay behind their prey for lenghty amounts of time. This will vary depending on their adaptations, numbers, health and other conditions.

Endurance hunters in-game may continue a hunt as long as it remains viable. Receiving too much damage, losing track of prey, being interrupted, etc. all count for interruptions of a hunt.


Pursuit hunters are often the ones going after small, quick-footed prey. They are adapted to quick bursts of energy and aren't built for long chases. Instead, they may promptly go after prey once spotted.

These animals may or may not specialise in ambushing their prey, since they are often capable of running them down. Losing the prey from sight is always a sign to give up.


Here are a series of pages on different topics for you to jump around as needed!


How to quickly navigate profiles to find the info you need, the differences between Path of Titans and the Isle, and the definitions of some key terms.


An in-depth analysis of all the different classes and categories which we use in our profiles. Also, further details on juvenile, elder behaviours, shunning and abandonment of young.


Head over to our discord server and try asking in the #questions channel. We are more than happy to help!

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