This guide explains some frequently asked questions that we often get, and has a section dedicated to how to better portray an animal in-game.
What is a roster?
Rosters are selections of animals that try to replicate a prehistoric environment in a set time and place. Each roster has a certain amount of selectable animals. Each one has been selected to provide entertaining gameplay, proper balance and also replicate a realistic environment.
Further information related to rosters and the profiles of the animals which we play as can be found here.
Please check the channels #pot-information and #about-server in our Discord for more information.
When do game restarts happen? Do they erase my progress?
What happens after a roster switch?
Game restarts involve a server back-up which should avoid any kind of progress loss in your animals. They are programmed to happen a few times each real-life day. The in-game server will provide a warning for you. Any other restarts will be announced in our Discord.
After a roster switch, your previous animals will be brought back with a back-up system we use.
You should never lose progress in our server due to restarts or roster switches. If we cannot recover your progress, we may offer free grows to compensate the loss or grow you back, provided you give us evidence for said animal.
What is the in-game timer?
The timer rule (Discord Rule #7) states that you may not comment about in-game events in public chats in the Discord until 15 minutes have passed.
This helps us prevent any form of metagaming or abuse of in-game events and give the player some time to move away and/or heal from encounters. It also helps to prevent arguments. Try to not throw accusations or start an argument if you have evidence; make a report instead.
What is considered metagaming?
We ask users to play the game fairly (PoT Rule #8) so that everyone may enjoy the game, without having people cheat or abuse glitches.
It means that you should not provide or take advantage of information that is available to you, the player, that your creature does not have in-game yet or otherwise. This includes abusing glitches, uploading posts detailing territory ranges (because it shows where you most often are), checking the Discord for extra information and logging in as another dinosaur to find a player you previously interacted with (especially if done with malicious intent).
What should I do if I see a rule-break in-game?
You should likely report it using our reporting system. You may look for it in the #reporting-information channel in our Discord.
You may message a STAFF member to ask about the potential-rulebreak if you want to be extra sure about taking the next step. Don't engage in discussions in the public channels as it often causes arguements and it is against our Discord Rule #1.
Can I appeal for a ban or a report?
Yes, you may always appeal for a ban or a report. You may also ask for another STAFF member to take your report when you appeal.
To appeal for a ban in our Discord server, please fill in the corresponding form linked in our main page.
To appeal for a ban in our game server, you must be part of our Discord. Whenever we see a rulebreak happen in-game by someone who isn't part of the Discord, we ban them from the game to prevent them from doing more damage. When you join our Discord, that ban is lifted.
To appeal for a report, please follow the guidelines in #reporting-information in our Discord.
Appeal an in-game ban
I do not agree with a verdict I was given during a report. What do I do?
You should appeal for the report (see question above). If you were given a penalty (such as a restriction from playing a certain animal), you should follow suit until and if the verdict changes.
Acting like the verdict is invalid because you disagree with it will grant you a bigger penalty.
If I am given a penalty which entails "removing" my animal, can I keep its relations to other animals?
That is entirely up to you, we do not enforce role-playing decisions upon players who lose their dinos or have them slain.
Can I report a STAFF member?
Of course. Just like you, all STAFF must follow the rules and will be judged more severely if they are to break them.
You may contact a STAFF that is higher on the heriarchy if needed.
Do STAFF get access to limited animals like apexes?
No. Being a STAFF member and being able to play as limited or restricted animals require different conditions altogether.
We also do not give restricted animals to our Sponsors, as our server is not pay-to-win.
How do I become STAFF?
You must be over 18 years old and fill in the corresponding form whenever it is advertised to be open.
We will open STAFF applications every now and then. Please follow our announcements channel on our Discord to know when this happens.
What are Sponsorships for? How do I become a Sponsor?
Sponsorships help us keep the server going. Although we are not a pay-to-win server, we do appreciate the extra help. If you wish to become a Sponsor, please follow the instructions below!
We give our Sponsors convenient rewards which we carefully select as to not violate Path of Titan's TOS. We also avoid having these rewards affect normal gameplay for other players who decide not to sponsor us.
Project Genesis prides itself on being a server which focuses on giving the most paleo-accurate environments and engaging gameplay, while still allowing players to enjoy the game fairly. To ensure all of this, many animals are restricted under certain roles which help us control their populations and the players who use them.
Restricted animals will have a sign attached to their profiles warning the user that they must follow profile closely, or else they risk having a stricter penalty -such as being shrunk back to hatchling or juvenile and therefore losing progress and the ability to cause harm in-game.
The Scientist role allows researchers to play an older stage of species which are under strict regulation. This is due to the rise of rule-breaks in our server and a means to prevent them.
The animals which Scientists are allowed to play are often a step up the food chain or just more aggressive than other species.
For more information on this role, check the corresponding channel on our Discord.
An endorsement enables you to do something that Researchers typically aren't able to do, but on a temporary basis.
This often means playing an apex predator in the rosters we use.
We look for overall a good nature and interesting roleplay capabilities in our Endorsements.
For more information on this role, check the corresponding channel on our Discord.
Behaviourists are players which have received an Endorsement and have shown that they deserve to keep it. This includes but is not limited to: a good nature and fairness during playtime.
They help in special events such as expeditions which we host to provide other players with pointers and explanations to improve their realism skills.
For more information on this role, check the corresponding channel on our Discord.
Any and all of these roles are able to be removed by STAFF if the player breaks rules and does not show any compromise to improve.
Below are some different sections for you to read if what you're looking for is help with your realism!