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This section elaborates a bit on what we expect players to act like in our server. We strongly recommend new players to read it, as it might not be what you expect coming from other realism servers.




Project Genesis prides itself on keeping online interactions friendly and welcoming.

If you do not agree with someone else's play style or preferences, we have a very strict rule regarding harassment and being disrespectful if you wish to act upon your distaste the wrong way.

This rule extends to staff members. They are people too, and they deserve your respect regardless of if you agree with their decisions or not.

We also encourage you to give the server a chance before jumping to conclusions or making comparisons in bad faith. We do welcome all kinds of suggestions, but please keep in mind that this is a passion project, not a job we get paid for to do.

The internet is a scary place, but you don't need to put on a mask to get along.

In our server, we encourage players to drop their internet mask which other platforms may force you to use so that you aren't hurt. Don't go about trolling others or trying to get shock responses from memes or other content. It's distasteful.

We welcome you to be yourself and form new friendships, as we all just want to have fun with dinosaurs.

Palaeontology is weird.

None of us is a certified palaeontologist. Although we have people who specialise in STEM or biology branches, we aren't perfect and palaeontology is always shifting and changing.

Be nice when suggesting changes to profiles, models or criticising decisions. We don't mind suggestions. Just be respecful when phrasing them!

Uncomfortable? Say it! - Messed up? Apologise!

In Project Genesis we prefer you to speak your mind when you're feeling uncomfortable or unsafe. We have no way of helping you otherwise!
We also encourage players to learn from their mistakes and move on. Everyone makes mistakes! The important part is how you act upon them once you recognise you made them.

This extends to rulebreaks and other sort of problems. We are understanding to people who make genuine mistakes and those who are trying to learn, while we are less likely to give more chances to those who are malicious and abusive of our rules.



We don't expect you to be perfect, we expect you to try.

When we look at reports and mistakes players made, we expect them to recognise their faults and improve upon them.

If we manage to prove that you were wrong following the rules or a profile, don't argue against it - recognise it, apologise, and move on. Try to do better next time, and you're done!

Reports aren't a death sentence.

We see reports as learning experiences for everyone involved, and we staff are willing to revise verdicts.

Staff don't claim to be infallible and we're willing to learn from our mistakes too. We can only hope that normal players do the same.

Read before asking, it will help you more!

We do welcome questions and we want to help, however: We recommend that you read profiles and rules thoroughly before you ask.

This is just a way for you to understand what you're asking about.

Restrictions exist to enhance everyone's playtime.

We have put restrictions upon apexes so that those players who aren't familiar with realism or prone to enriching other players' playtime over themselves need more time before playing as a dangerous animal.

If this upsets you, we encourage you to think about why we have had to restrict these animals even further.



In Project Genesis, we recognise both the harshness of nature and the fact that we are humans playing a videogame. As such, we would like to point out some behaviours that, while they may be realistic, go against our Discord rules.


This often is conflictive with bullfighting results or other forms of courtship. Depending on the profile, animals may still reject a winner of a bullfight. For example, even if you lose a bullfight, a female might choose you over your personality, colours or over-all attitude.

No one is obliged to accept your courting,  and you should not pretend people do that either.


Players are allowed to refuse to nest you in if they feel uncomfortable with you.


If you would rather not have a player interact with you, provided with a good reason, you may DM a staff member about this or let the player know about this issue yourself.

Profiles will be explicit regarding filicide or siblingcide. You should never abuse the nesting mechanic to kill others senselessly.


We prioritise the wellbeing of our players, especially those who are younger than the rest.

If you are uncomfortable with a situation or if you feel a profile compromises your ability to consent, never hesitate to let us know about it.

If you are suffering harrassment from a player, we encourage players to let us know.

For more information,
check our #online-safety channel in our Discord.

We do not approve of mating role-play under any circumstances and will heavily punish those who attempt to coax others into doing it or try to discuss it in our Discord, through DMs, or in our in-game chats.

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